7.3.0 - November 24, 2023
This is RocketCAD's final update. RocketCAD is ceasing operations on January 3rd, 2024. More details can be found on our Discord Server.
#RC-1236: Added RocketCAD Closure message to Homepage, Order Page & Portal
Changed the names displayed in the Work menu for civilians to show the name of the actual workplace specified in the Community Management Panel
#RC-1231: Fixed spelling on the Leave Community pop-up
#RC-1232: Corrected color scheme to purple to match the rest of RocketCAD's color scheme in the Admin Panel
#RC-1232: Removed Discipline area in the Admin Panel as this was deprecated some time ago
#RC-1232: Removed duplicated Invite Members buttons in the Admin Panel - February 21, 2023
#RC-1229: Corrected issues with the old 2FA system still activating in certain areas which prevents certain actions
7.2.6 - February 20, 2023
Users who previously had 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled will need to re-activate. This is due to a change in how the 2FA system works.
If you wish to keep using 2FA you will need to re-activate via the Portal > Preferences > "Enable Two-Factor Authentication" and scan the QR code with an authenticator app.
#RC-1228: Added a new 2-Factor Authentication system to replace the old one that was outdated and no longer worked, read above for more information
#RC-1224: Added a log-out button to the Community Select screen for users who are not within a community
#RC-1225: Personas not appearing after searching for a user in the User Management area in the Community Manager
#RC-1226: Join/Create community pop-up in the Portal now shows in dark mode if the user has dark mode enabled
#RC-1227: Removed the Court system from the Portal navigation bar
#RC-1228: Removed the old 2-Factor Authentication system - January 21, 2023
#RC-1222: Improved how communities on the Unlimited Plan for Free deal function to prevent bugs where the community could expire
RC-1220: Issues regarding Communities losing their plans
#RC-1221: Communities on the Free plan being expired
#RC-1217: Resolved overlapping issues in Dispatch Style 1
#RC-1214: Removed slogans on the Tow and Security CAD - August 24, 2022
RC-1213: When ordering a Free or Unlimited community, the user ordering the community will now get owner as intended
RC-1212: Corrected the color of dropdown boxes within the Department Management when using dark mode
RC-1210: Corrected overlapping issues on the Auth page, the Captcha warning no longer appears in front of the captcha
RC-1211: Removed the Discipline area from the Department Management as the feature was deprecated some time ago
RC-1096: Made some changes in preparation for the Translation Update on the backend - August 7, 2022
RC-1209: Fixed PayPal checkout to now display the PayPal pay button in invoices and order page - July 27, 2022
RC-1208: Fixed PayPal checkout system which now allows customers to use PayPal as usual
7.2.5 - July 27, 2022
RC-1207: When ordering a community or paying for an invoice you will now have to agree to our Terms of Service by using a tickbox
RC-1204: Updated due date if you are using a Free community where it will now display "Never Expires!" within the Billing Center
RC-1202: Fixed when a 911 call is received when using the V6 Dispatch design it won't generate a call
RC-1205: Fixed Free communities not extending automatically. This has corrected all current suspended and active free communities
RC-1172: Temporary fix applied to allow Free communities to generate as usual. This will change later on
RC-1206: Fixed the CONTACT SALES button within the billing center to now link to the support page
7.2.4 - July 21, 2022
This update contains an Integration update, please download the latest version from here.
RC-1199: Added capabilities for civilians to call 911, Taxi and Tow as well as the ability to use the civilian jobs for Security, Taxi, News and Tow when using the Civilian Design (Alpha)
RC-1200: Updated the FiveM Integration to version 1.1.3 which allows users to search plates again although when searching the RO will not be available upon search. The whitelist resource also works again
RC-675: Fixed designs for V6 styles
RC-1196: Fixed API key text color when viewing in dark mode
RC-661: Fixed alt text for buttons within the units tab on the V6 styles
RC-26: Fixed the Signal-100 and 10-3 alerts from overlapping the buttons on dispatch style 1
RC-1201: Fixed when editing API keys where it wouldn't display Assign Calls correctly when assigned to the key
7.2.3 - July 19, 2022
RC-1187: Added the Community Name and Abbreviation of the selected community to the portal
RC-1194: Added capabilities to allow users to opt-in or opt-out of Marketing & Update emails when signing up for their account and in the preferences tab on the portal
By default, no one has opted-in for Marketing & Update emails, if you wish to receive these, please opt-in by going to the preferences area in the portal
RC-1188: Added Start Building button to go to AMC and Documentation button on Order page when an order is generated
RC-1185: Updated Branding and Company Details
RC-80: Within preferences, in the portal, the Steam HEX box is now auto-filled with "steam:"
Note: This only applies to new accounts. All old accounts will have to do this manually.
RC-1186: We've remade our homepage which now looks much more responsive and a better experience for the user
RC-1193: Temporarily removed the community leave button from the community selection list
RC-1184: Fixed dark mode inconsistencies
Fixed capitalization issues within the V6 designs relating to stolen vehicles, firearms and wanted personas
RC-1191: Fixed text color of text boxes within Civilian design (Alpha) when you have system-wide dark mode enabled via the portal.
RC-1189: Fixed the display of User Statistics on the portal
RC-1190: Fixed Twitter embed on the portal for users in dark mode
7.2.2 - October 7, 2021
RC-1165: Updated misc plugins
RC-1149: Fixed the display of active days time
RC-1159: Added internal system update
RC-1156: Fixed a bug that allowed owners to leave their own community
RC-1162: Corrected links on front-end headers
RC-1163: Corrected links on front-end pages
7.2.1 - September 5, 2021
RC-1145: Support w/o Community
RC-1148: Abbreviation Inconsistencies
RC-1150: Can't assign when empty
RC-1152: Dark Mode Inconsistencies
RC-1153: Approval Queue Not Appearing
7.2.0 - August 18, 2021
This update contains an Integration update, please download the latest version from here.
Note: Not all endpoints have been completely restored, we're working to restore essential endpoints first prior to adding more advanced endpoints back.
7.1.12 - July 16, 2021
RC-1141: Added occupation editing to the Alpha Civ Menu
RC-1140: Added Patrol Groups to Call Details
RC-1139: Added 'Delete' to the editing BOLO prompt
RC-1125: Added Cancellation Notification
RC-1121: Improved support subjects
RC-1118: Removed Contacting Help for Cancellations
RC-1130: Update Misc Plugins
RC-1136: Modified Unit Board Sorting
RC-1144: CAD Log not visible
RC-1143: Member removal issue
RC-1142: Fixed re-adding to the Approval Queue
RC-1122: Fixed support ticket formatting
RC-1137: Fixed handling of no ticket style configuration
RC-1138: Removed 'Missing Element' from the Civ Menu
RC-1123: Fixed cross street formatting
RC-1128: Fixed Call Archive Call Opening
RC-1127: Fixed Layering Issue
RC-1129: Fixed Cancellation Emails Sending w/o Approval
RC-1135: Fixed CAD Styling Inconsistencies
7.1.11 - June 2, 2021
RC-1105: Prevented attaching units to calls when no calls are on the board
RC-1120: Added in enhanced API filtering
RC-1104: Fix Dispatch Style Inconsistencies
RC-1106: Modified & synced placement of the header
RC-166: Fixed the signup button on index
RC-117: Fixed patrol group assignments not contributing to the leaderboard
RC-1112: Fixed display of call timers when call is archived
7.1.10 - May 31, 2021
RC-666: Added default persona avatar
RC-663: Disabled the assignment tab unless currently viewing/assigned to one
RC-127: Added the 'Wanted' list back to the Portal
RC-674: Added help text to the Game/Patrol Map
RC-1102: Added a permanent panic button to the Fire MDT
RC-1095: Various performance improvements
RC-1097: Updated Twitter Feed on Portal
RC-1099: Enhanced automatic error reporting
RC-671: Changed the unread message notification style for LEO & Fire
RC-673: Changed the 10 codes window to scroll versus expand
RC-1094: Fixed copying to clipboard bug
RC-694: Fixed assignment clearing on MDTs
RC-1098: Fixed a logging inconsistency when a user joins a community
RC-662: Fixed primary officer appearance for supervisors
RC-665: Fixed arrest charges inconsistencies
RC-137: Fixed a darkmode bug in the Owner Panel
RC-1100: Fixed overlapping options in the Patrol Settings tab
RC-675: Fixed a centering style bug in MDTs
RC-1103: Fixed a styling inconsistency with the updated Dispatch CAD style
7.1.9 - May 30, 2021
RC-686: Added new v6 Dispatch CAD color style!
RC-777: Added new internal metric reporting
RC-719: New support contact form on
RC-774: Removed Changelog from CAD, sending you here instead!
RC-775: Changed automatic error reporting system in the backend
RC-778: Various improvements to page performance
RC-695: Changed location pinging to update multiple user profiles at once
RC-692: Improved viewing of call comments and notes
RC-688: Changed community cancellation walkthrough
RC-678: Improved assign to call dispatch dropdown
RC-781: Fixed Taxi Initialization Bug
RC-788: Fixed Dispatch CAD Logo Issue
RC-789: Fixed Dispatch CAD Font Inconsistencies
7.1.8 - May 18, 2021
RC-152: Increased number of panic button options
RC-390: Updated misc plugins
RC-172: Fixed webhook issues
RC-391: Fixed user flagging issues
7.1.7 - May 16, 2021
RC-174: Added automatic error reporting
RC-175: CONT: Fixed copying to clipboard issues
RC-171: Fixed persona viewing in the Owner Panel
RC-176: Updated misc plugins
RC-177: Deprecated donations
7.1.6 - May 8, 2021
RC-161: Made improvements to LEO MDT responsiveness
RC-162: Updated plugins
RC-155/163: Improved menu navigation
RC-160: Fixed copying to clipboard issues
RC-164: Fixed styling inconsistencies in the support menu
RC-165: Fixed auth login issue
7.1.5 - April 24, 2021
Changed SEO settings
Updated misc plugins
Fixed a bug that caused repeating of departments in the department manager
7.1.4 - April 8, 2021
Updated misc plugins
Fixed a bug that caused personas to not be visible in the Owner Panel
7.1.3 - March 30, 2021
Fixed a bug that caused members to not appear in the User Management search
7.1.2 - March 17, 2021
Replaced the text prompt with a button on the homepage
Changed VPS Hosting redirect
Changed the visual display for Free & Infinite Billing communities
Improved the display of Patrol Configs in the Preferences Menu
Made several design improvements
Made significant performance improvements
Fixed a bug that prevented Incident Reports from properly submitting
Fixed the archiving of patrol improperly changing your status
Fixed positioning issues on the attach units window
Fixed capitalization inconsistencies on various menus of the Dispatch CAD
Fixed a visual error on the new Patrol Group menus
Fixed a bug that caused the Log Off & Edit User windows to open at the same time
Fixed a bug that caused the Server IDs to be hidden in the API Access tab
Fixed "age" displaying as a random number when not properly configured by a civilian
Fixed a bug that caused ePCR reports to not appear from the search tab
Fixed a bug that caused subdivisions to be improperly limited
Fixed a bug that allowed unapproved members into a department/subdivision
Fixed a bug that allowed owners to leave their own community
7.1.1 - February 19, 2021
Added in action confirmations throughout the Dispatch CAD
Added Accident Reports into the Name & Vehicle searches for LEOs
Added Civilian Notes to the Dispatch CAD
Accident Reports can now be attached to calls
Added Call-Takers Guide to the Call Details window and here
Added "Cancel Edit" option to the bottom of the Call Details window
Added Patient Refusal Form!
Added handling for system errors
Changed the way in which sub menus are opened from the call details menu
Removed traditional alerts from the Dispatch CAD, replacing with the new alert system
Repositioned various modules within the Call Details window, fixing spacing and other size issues
Redesigned the buttons within the actions tab of the Call Details window
Changed the backed processing of call clearing, speeding up the operation
Removed the color highlight from empty fields when viewing reports
Removed the highlight guide on report viewing
Updated the automated fields on the Fire MDT to display a bit more friendly
Fixed the archiving of patrol improperly changing your status
Fixed positioning issues on the attach units window
Fixed capitalization inconsistencies on various menus of the Dispatch CAD
Fixed a visual error on the new Patrol Group menus
Fixed a bug that caused the Log Off & Edit User windows to open at the same time
Fixed a bug that caused the Server IDs to be hidden in the API Access tab
Fixed "age" displaying as a random number when not properly configured by a civilian
7.1.0 - February 19, 2021
Introduced a new Fire MDT Design!
Added more 'failure' text to search results
Added License Unsuspending
Added new Accident Report for LEO
Added Call Merging
Added Call Priority Indication
Added Call Timers
You can select either 5 or 10 minutes
Calls will now appear in a bright yellow when their timer has elapsed and play an audible sound
Redesigned the "Call Details" window
Added Call Tabs, allowing for quick switching between open calls
Removed the "Code 4" option, replacing with merge
Changed the behavior of the information adding areas, for quicker call editing
Added the ability to change a unit's status from within the details menu
Added a timer elapsed indication to the tabs area
Added blank assignment generation
Added call dropdown attachment to unit board
Added Patrol Groups
Patrol Groups can be attached to calls from the "PTL Group Board" and from within the call itself
Added "End Priority" button for Supervisors & Administrators to the classic Civilian Menu
Added the ability to generate a blank BOLO
Added new sound notification for notes by dispatch
Changed the wording of pending assignments
Changed the way unit chat messages are marked as read
Updated misc backend plugins
Changed the visual display of automated inputs on various reports
Changed the distance on the CAD/MDT logoff prompt
Renamed "Place" to "Landmark" on various reports
Renamed "Business" to "Landmark" on the Incident Report
Changed the layering of popup windows, placing warnings up front
Improved the clear call workflow, speeding it up
Changed the visual appearance of calls that lack details
Changed the standard Call Assigned and On Duty unit color
Changed the backend configuration of the Fire MDT, increasing page performance
Fixed link to the "Full Changelog" on the Portal
Fixed the positioning of the menu options on the AMC
Fixed a bug that occasionally caused tone sounds to not play properly
Fixed Civilian Notes not saving properly
Fixed Vehicle Notes not saving properly
Fixed menu positioning on the paperwork tab of MDT
Fixed divisions and districts being unnecessarily limited
Fixed the grammatical error "Managements" in the Owner Panel
Fixed Owners & Admins from being able to view the data associated with users on the Owner Panel
Fixed "Traffic" and "Call" prompts on the Dispatch Command List Assistant
Fixed the alert panel not properly enabling Signal 100 for all units
Fixed capitalization issues with Signal 100/10-3/etc
Fixed the Fire En-Route status setting as the Fire Staging status
Fixed units clearing from calls not marking them as pending for dispatch
Fixed the "Set By" field not properly setting in various scenarios
Fixed capitalization issues when viewing reports
Fixed positioning issues on various popup windows on the MDTs
Fixed self-clearing from call setting the incorrect status on Fire MDT
Fixed positioning issues in the paperwork tab of the Fire MDT
7.0.6 - February 4, 2021
Updated misc plugins
Updated sound file directory, for more reliable results
Fixed marking FD units as staged
Fixed 911 Caller Name not being visible in some instances
7.0.5 - January 24, 2021
Modified the pre-determined support topics dropdown
Changed the branding on the password reset page
Changed website SEO
Removed the old creation page, replacing with the AMC
Removed redundant API options
Fixed the 'Dispatched Time' metric not properly setting itself
Fixed self attaching not displaying correctly on CAD
Removed redundant pages
7.0.4 - January 23, 2021
Added a tool to detect duplicate names and abbreviations
Added an option to resend your 2FA code once in the verification screen
Modified visual display for blank & new communities
Modified Stripe checkout environment branding
Fixed styling inconsistencies on home pages
Fixed styling inconsistencies on portal
Fixed styling inconsistencies on owner panel
Fixed missing element errors on system pages
Fixed darkmode inconsistencies on the Owner Panel
Fixed Criminal Code searching on LEO v6
Fixed Criminal Codes not saving properly when edited
We have added a new "Fix Code Appearance" button to instantly resolve any visual issues caused by this error.
Fixed new community registrations not properly directing you after purchase/redemption
Fixed cancelled communities appearing in public areas
Fixed cancelled communities displaying incorrectly in the Billing Center
Fixed support redirection after login
7.0.3 - January 7, 2021
Modified misc plugins
7.0.2 - January 4, 2021
Modified invoice payment reminders to send 3 days prior to expiration
Fixed PayPal community creation issue(s)
7.0.1 - January 3, 2021
Fixed darkmode inconsistencies on the Owner Panel
Fixed naming inconsistency with quarterly billing plans
Fixed font inconsistencies on the Owner Panel
7.0.0 - January 2, 2021
Added in RocketCAD Free!
Read more about this, here.
Added guide "How to Connect LiveMap with RocketCAD"
Replaced Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum with Unlimited
Read more about this, here.
Redesigned the home page, with more on the way!
Changed the support hub, directing you to different sources for assistance.
Revamped the Owner Panel to match the new styling
Removed the donation system & page(s)
Modified internal webhooks
Updated internal handling of cancellation requests
Modified wording of support prompts for better instruction
Updated misc plugins
Modified URL redirect for LiveMap in Owner Panel
Removed Page Feedback prompts
Fixed users being redirected to the Support area after login
Fixed a bug that caused the statistics tab to display a blank value for BOLOs
Fixed pricing page displaying a due date for free communities
Updated header to display correct pages
Fixed missing element error on civilian page(s)
Fixed random picture appearing for quick create civs
Fixed invite codes not generating properly
6.2.5 - October 7, 2020
Added more help areas throughout the system, helping you get quick answers to your questions
Updated misc plugins
Modified the URL to help find your Steam Hex
Fixed text not appearing correctly throughout the CAD
Fixed Persona, Vehicle and Firearm searches from not displaying the correct result
6.2.4 - September 24, 2020
Updated misc plugins
Further enhanced security on the backend of the app
Modified our security post
Fixed misc styling errors on the Portal
6.2.3 - September 21, 2020
Added new changelog system to the Portal, allowing you to see updates to the CAD without having to leave the Portal!
Added new Security Alert, to address the most recent security issues, you can find this information on the Portal.
Added new Suggestions page, leave your suggestions here!
Added new Bug Reports page, report all bugs you encounter here!
Added new Support Selection screen, you can now attempt to resolve your issue faster without contacting support
Added LiveChat option to the Portal (must be selected from the support selection screen) - Even if we're offline, leave us a message and we'll get back to you shortly!
Added new success notification windows to indicate a successful action
Added new Error Messages articles to help troubleshoot errors throughout RocketCAD
Modified the URL to assist you in finding your Steam Hex
Changed the favicon throughout RocketCAD
Fixed the news display from overlapping with other home page content
Fixed overlapping text on the API Access tab of the Owner Panel
Fixed darkmode inconsistencies on the AMC Billing Panel
Fixed donations from not appearing as intended
6.2.2 - September 13, 2020
Fixed new members not getting Civilian on registration (even when permission is enabled, which we no longer recommend)
Fixed the 2FA window from not appearing properly when signing in
6.2.1 - September 3, 2020
Changed "FiveM Integration" to "API Access" on the Owner Panel
Fixed invoices not generating properly
Fixed the "Where did you find us" box from not working properly
Fixed invite codes from not working as intended
6.2.0 - September 2, 2020
Enhanced security system wide, to further protect users, administrators and owners. Read more about that here.
Modified the search method for the "Wanted" tab, to increase performance
Modified the color of the Leave Community option in the preferences menu
Modified darkmode on the portal pages, making it darker
Updated misc plugins
Removed user count and Owner names from the Join Community prompt
Fixed MDT 3 from not displaying properly for non-platinum communities
Fixed fire tones from not playing on the Fire MDT
6.1.10 - August 20, 2020
Updated misc plugins
6.1.9 - August 15, 2020
Added the ability to re-activate an archived call
Added the ability to duplicate a call
Changed the search method of the wanted tab
Changed the URL of the new v6 CAD Style
Modified the formatting of the attach units dialog
Fixed the integrate page from displaying incorrectly
Fixed the dispatched time being reset unnecessarily
6.1.8 - August 14, 2020
Updated misc plugins
6.1.7 - August 9, 2020
Fixed an error that prevented users from going on patrol
Fixed an error that reset MDT Style 3 on page load
Fixed the Integration page from displaying for the incorrect plans
6.1.6 - August 8, 2020
Fixed the Integration Page for public release
6.1.5 - August 7, 2020
Added Cloudflare filtering to the entire app
Fixed API Endpoints to prevent future lag issues
6.1.4 - August 6, 2020
Added a Zulu Time display alongside local time on the Fire + LEO MDT
Added the ability to minimize the attach units area from the top right
Added color coding to the DMV Information tab of the Vehicle Search
Changed the CAD Clock to the Zulu Timezone, to unify dispatching
Changed the searching of recommended units to make better recommendation (Pick from the top!)
Changed the way stolen results are displayed
Updated misc plugins
Upgraded Bubble Engine
Fixed the "Use New CAD Styles button"
Fixed the ability to select CAD Style 3 from the Owner Panel
Fixed the attach unit searchbox from disappearing at random
6.1.3 - August 5, 2020
Fixed the dispatching watermark on the CAD
6.1.2 - August 4, 2020
Added the ability to revert your styles back to the original ones
Removed blue beta banners from different areas of the CAD
Fixed the Update Unit Status endpoint from displaying the incorrect result
Fixed Bronze Communities from being able to set the new styles
Fixed Discord Integration related issues
Fixed the narrative area on the MDT from cutting off content
Fixed the positioning of the EMD Questions button
6.1.1 - August 2, 2020
Fixed the "Change Password" button on the Portal
6.1.0 - August 1, 2020 - Full Release!
Added RocketCAD API Endpoints, browse them now!
Changed many backend functions to prepare for full release!
Changed pricing page to fit new pricing structure.
Changed URLs to new CAD + MDTs
Removed Bug Report options from the MDT + CAD - July 29, 2020
Updated misc plugins
Fixed tones not playing on the Fire MDT - July 27, 2020
Added Discord Role Syncing functionality
You can now open execute CD w/ Unit's Identifier
Fixed Identifiers from appearing incorrectly on CAD
Fixed 400 error with location pinging - July 25, 2020
Removed SSO Options from the Auth Page until they can be fine tuned
Fixed conditional formatting of status options on the Dispatch CAD
Fixed invoicing creation errors - July 24, 2020
Added the ability to expand out the secondary units widget to view the list of available units on both MDTs
Added new testing LEO MDT dashboard design, let us know what you think!
Added invoice information to Stripe checkout environment
Introduced the groundwork for VIP Customers
Added ability to add funds to your account in the billing center
Added support for member donations
Added color indications to persona's licenses on MDT
Added the ability to search a vehicle by clicking on it in the person search
Added the ability to search a firearm by clicking on it in the person search
Added report drafting!
Every time you generate a report, it will be saved for future reference
You can go back to your reports at any time to finish them or delete them
Added ability to edit your info from the MDT
Added call type display to the Assignments Tab
Added logout warning when you attempt to leave the page
Added back Fix-It Tickets!
Added more data & metric collection
Added the ability to log a unit off using right click
Added warrants display to the portal
Added the ability to auto search vehicles from the CAD person search
Added the ability to auto search firearm from the CAD person search
Dispatchers can now expand warrants in full detail from the person search
Dispatchers can now expand traffic priors in full detail from the person search
Dispatchers can now expand arrest reports in full detail from the person search
Added a "Mark all as Read" button on chat messaging
Dispatchers can now expand traffic priors in full detail from the vehicle search
Dispatchers can now expand incident reports in full detail from the vehicle search
Added patrol map back to the LEO MDT
Added ability to attach an address to a call, saving it's history
Added LiveMap option to the Supervisor Panel
Added the ability for the primary officer to clear a call when dispatch is offline
Added the ability to search names and vehicles attached to your assignment
Added the ability to attach reports directly to an assignment and click to view
Added back the Fire Apparatus Selection screen
Added the Civilian Notes area to the Fire MDT, allowing for both Fire + LEO notes on personas
Added medical history and notes to the Dispatch CAD persona database
Added deceased indication to Patient and Person databases
Added new ePCR Report for Fire/EMS personnel
Added back the Death Certificate for Fire/EMS personnel
Made the plate option on the Written Warning optional
Made the plate option on the Traffic Ticket optional
Made the Witness & Suspect fields on the Incident Report optional
Made the call location on the LEO MDT more noticeable
Modified default arrest alias text
Changed passive BOLOs to the traditional stone color
Changed the metric reporting of the dispatching statistics
Removed P and V commands
Changed the method in which incidents are cataloged
Removed unnecessary hover effects on CAD
Removed auto scrolling of the Chat Messaging feature
Modified the preferences tab to auto save changes
Changed the Syntax Assistant color coding
Removed preloaders from the MDTs
Fixed the arrest report narrative not saving properly
Fixed the conditional formatting of paperwork options
Fixed the notes box displaying the wrong type of notes
Fixed the "Search Owner" options on the Vehicle Search
Fixed the "Search Owner" options on the Firearm Search
Fixed CAD Menu slider positioning
Fixed API Permissions
Fixed searching command line commands
Fixed darkmode inconsistencies on the CAD
Fixed Dispatchers not hearing Signal 100 when activated for Fire/EMS
Fixed duplicate text on the patrol stages of the portal
Fixed warrants not properly applying to Civilians
Fixed warrants not properly generating
Fixed Search Owner options on CAD Vehicle and Firearm search
Fixed an error that resulting in units seeing the wrong call assignment on MDT
Fixed the borders of the CAD to allow elements to move down further
Fixed spacing of invoice amount lines
Fixed unit board from creating a second line
Fixed overlapping display of Civilian, Firearm and Vehicle notes
Fixed Criminal Code searching, to make it more responsive
Fixed color formatting of the unit board for Fire/EMS units - July 9, 2020
Added the ability to modify the basic settings of a department from the Owner Panel
Added separate Signal 100 options for LEO & Fire
Added an audible sound effect to alert you that your call has been updated
Added postal to the location view on the Call Board
Fixed spacing issues on the Assignment tab of the MDT
Fixed an issue when changing servers - July 5, 2020
Added the ability for LEOs to clear BOLOs when Dispatch is offline
Added 10 Codes back to the MDT Quick Tools
Added call flags to the assignment tab
Added Notes!
You can now add notes to specific firearms, people and vehicles to communicate important information to other officers, firefighters and dispatchers!
Added the creator's name and date to each report
Added new Command Line cmd for opening a call
Added License Suspension!
You can now suspend a Civilian's License and will be prompted to enter in a reason when doing so!
Added license color coding to help you easily identify expired and suspended licenses
Added more Customer Profile creation prompts, reminding owners to add theirs in
Added billing reminder emails, some Owners will now be emailed a week out from expiration to remind them!
Added suspension notifications, if your community does expire, you'll be notified via email
Added postal to start assignment window on MDT
Changed the Fire MDT to match the new features of the LEO MDT
Fixed the Toggling of Signal 100 and 10-3 on the MDT Supervisor Panels
Fixed empty names from appearing on the chat messaging windows
Removed Fix-It Ticket options from the firearm database - July 4, 2020
Added the ability to clear calls when dispatch if off duty on both MDTs
Added Supervisor Panel, integrated within the "Units" area and allows for the following:
View unit's call
Change AOP
Enable Stop Transmitting
Enable Emergency Traffic Only
View and Attach to all calls
Changed the Fire MDT to match the LEO MDT's call handling
Scaled down the assignment window to better fit smaller monitors/mobile
Changed the way the CAD handles invoicing in the backend
Fixed "CALL:" appearing on the assignment tab unnecessarily
Fixed the hovering effects of dropdowns/inputs to better match darkmode - July 1, 2020
Added the ability to click to open up all tickets, warrants, etc.
Added an option to remove Panic Alerts + 911 from CAD w/o creating a call
Added Whitelist Integration! This resource is optional and come with the primary rc-integration resource!
Added back /911 command to integration!
Fixed many issues with rc-integration, releasing a new version
Fixed tones/sounds not playing on MDTs
Fixed dispatchers appearing on the "Other Available Units" area
Fixed units not appearing correctly under the DMing tab
Fixed cross street displaying on panic alerts with no cross street - June 29, 2020
Added Description/Details option to self-call assignment on both MDTs
Added Arrest Warrants back!
Scaled down the LEO MDT Dashboard
Fixed sound from auto-muting themselves after being enabled - June 28, 2020
Added small remove icon to Panic Alerts on LEO + Fire MDT for Supervisors
Added recommended jail time to Arrest Reports
Added the ability to expand the results of any Arrest or Traffic Prior when searching on MDT
Added the ability to mute the Unit Chat on CAD + Both MDTs (they are now muted by default)
Updated Integration Files! Now using version 1.0.1
Fixed the LEO Unit's status when getting assigned a traffic stop by dispatch
Changed the way previous history displays on the Name and Vehicle database
Fixed the "You have been patrolling since" time on the MDT Dashboards
Fixed the ability to Clear and Code 4 archived calls
Fixed firearms being marked as stolen when they are not stolen
Fixed the ability to remove Infractions on Traffic Tickets
Fixed some inputs from being modified when viewing a report
Fixed the random scrollbar from appearing on the name database - June 27, 2020
Added the ability to add "Associated Persons" with optional auto-search
Added the ability to add "Associated Vehicles" with optional auto-search
Added ability to Search both Associated Vehicles and Persons
Added an incoming 911 call sound effect
Added the ability to edit your server's information
Added enhanced page security to each new Beta page
Added panic button indication to the MDT (Thanks Stephen!)
Added LEO and Fire MDT Pre-Loaders
Added more locations to the auto-fill database
Added a minimize button to the attach units window
Added postal input to the Call Details on CAD
Added auto-fill location box to quick call creation
Updated the sort order of servers under the Owner Panel
Forced the Name, Number and IP options when creating a server
Temporarily disabled the "Write Warrant" option until the new style has been created
Modified the ordering of the server selection on the portal screen
When creating BOLOs, you'll be prompted to continue adding more information after quick-adding
Changed the location dropdown when creating a call to allow for autofill locations
Updated unit board to allow for 24 units at once
Changed the way you generate calls using the quick add in the top right, now only requiring a location to generate
Fixed logging from adding too much information about flags
Fixed locations not appearing correctly in CAD Search
Fixed licenses appearing incorrectly on the CAD + LEO MDT (Thanks everyone!)
Fixed the quick tools options not operating as expected on LEO MDT
Fixed Civilians being marked as Wanted when they are indeed not wanted (Thanks everyone!)
Fixed the darkmode options on the Patrol Onboarding Steps
Fixed optional fields on various reports not actually being optional
Fixed Traffic Stop Command Line not entering in Veh Desc data
Fixed the Unit Board consistently pushing other widgets downwards
Fixed attach units window to properly filter units out
Fixed the dispatching statistics window from displaying the incorrect results
v6 Initial Release - June 23, 2020
Realistic Dispatching CAD
New Hidden Alert Panel with Keyboard Shortcut and Simple Menu Opening
New Hidden Tone Board with Keyboard Shortcut and Simple Menu Opening
New Notepad Style with Keyboard Shortcut Open/Close
Hid the Change Server Option
Hid the Change AOP Option
Added community seal as faded background image
Added Dispatching Statistics
These are just a small part of the new Data & Metric collection to provide dispatchers with an idea of their statistics
Added new toggleable side menu to provide more space on the primary screen
Re-designed Unit Board allowing it to move to anywhere on the screen and lock to stay in place
Features Fire/PD toggle to allow advanced unit filtering
Removed status dropdown, replacing with buttons for easy access and less options on screen
Right clicking on a unit will allow you to edit it
Double clicking on a unit will change it's status to the selected status at the top
Pressing and holding a unit for 1 second will allow you to log them off
Simplified the unit board to make it much thinner, removing the scroll bar
Added "Location" indication to the unit board that ties with our new In-Game Integration, auto tracking player's location and displaying it on CAD (This can be removed with a setting in the Owner Panel for non Fivem Communities)
Re-designed the information search area allowing it to move anywhere on the screen and lock to stay in place
Added only an essential alert of "No Flags" or simple indictation of basic alert, and added button to expand full results
Added cancel button to easily cancel current search
Re-designed the Name, Firearm and Vehicle expanded search results dialog
Re-designed the call creation area to only require 3 simple details to generate an assignment (This is apart of our mission to Simplify Dispatching for all)
Calls are divided by department "Law, Medical or Fire" - this does not limit who can be assigned however
Newly inputted calls will appear as Red, prompting a sound and text to speech notification (this is apart of our mission to expand dispatching operations)
Completely re-designed the call details dialog to prompt call takers to enter important information and continue to update calls as Dispatchers get the calls assigned
Added "Reporting Party" information, allowing you to save the Name, Phone Number and Address of the RP
Clicking and holding the call for 1 second will archive it
Added Call Notes that are separate from the Call Log, this way call notes and important information can be shared without getting lost in the automated logs
Added Call Flags, giving you 8 different flags to mark as call as for responding units
Added Call Chat, allowing all units and dispatch to chat freely about an incident
Added time tracking to when the call was created, dispatched and when the first unit arrives
Added Call-Taker and Dispatcher information for advanced logging
Associating a person with a call will automatically provide you with the search results return in the call details window
Associating a vehicle with a call will automatically provide you with the search results return in the call details window
Provided a "Last Update" field to give you updates on when a call was last updated in any way
Updated call logging to include more information in the automated logs
Re-designed the BOLO creation area to only require 3 simple details to generate (This is apart of our mission to Simplify Dispatching for all)
Right clicking on a BOLO will allow you to edit it
Added Chatting Feature - Allowing departments to chat in one large group and for units to individually PM other units
Added sound notifcations w/ Text to Speech for unread message notifications
Added one-click "Stop Transmitting" alert enable/disable option
Added one-click "Emergency Traffic Only" alert enable/disable option
Added Command Line
For a full list of Command Line commands, click here.
Added sound controls, allowing you to enable/disable certain sound notifications on your CAD
Realistic Police MDT
Added new user friendly sidebar, with much larger options allowing you to quickly from from option to option
Added new "Dashboard" style
Added time to provide you with a simple way to view the current time
Added the time you have been patrolling, to give you an idea for your patrol logs
Added available units widget to provide a quick glimpse into how many other members you have with you
Added larger AOP display to ensure that everyone notices it
Added latest reports widget to give you insight into how many reports have been logged
Added status widget, removing the call related statuses
Added quick tools widget for most button options
Added Unit Chat with indication of unread messages
Added ability to generate your own call, not just traffic stops
Added ability to generate your own BOLO
Added ability to quickly search Names and Plates
Added open assignments widget
Added Dispatched time allowing you to understand how active the call has been active
Added ability to expand call details without needing to be assigned
When viewing call this way, if there is no dispatcher you will be prompted to attach yourself if you wish
Added Secondary Units widget, telling you which other agencies are currently on-duty
Added current bolos widget
Added dispathed time, giving you an idea of how long the BOLO has been active
Added ability to expand BOLO details even further
Added support for numbers and numpad switching of menu options
Redesigned the current assignment window, giving you more information on your current call with more options
Added call status buttons to the assignment window, displaying when you're attached to a call
Added unit assigned area with color coded unit identifiers based on department
Added dispatcher and call-taker indication
Merged postal and location into one line of just "location"
Added reporting party information
Added call chat, allowing all attached units to chat with one another
Added "Associated Info" tab
Displaying associated persons and vehicles
Added address information, including previous calls and previous incident reports from that address (automatically)
Added call notes, that can be added exclusively by dispatchers
Separated call log from the rest of the dialog
Redesigned the database search area to much more easily display results
Redesigned the name database search
Separated information into two easy categories, "Personal Information" and "Licenses"
Removed the identification card, and moved photo and signature to the right side
Added quick tool actions to do with a Civilian
Redesigned the vehicle database search
Divided information into "Vehicle Information" and "DMV Information"
Added registered owner information to the display
Redesigned the firearm database search
Divided the information into two minimalistic categories of "Firearm Information" and "RO Information"
Redesigned the paperwork records area
Divided each function into it's own categories by report type
Added ability to search each type of report
Added new area to view reports, replicating a PDF style viewer, with the option to download your reports as PDF files
Redesigned units tab to provide better insight into each unit's status
Added the ability to DM users directly from the users tab
Added location indication to display each players location (new with game integration)
Added tracking location indication, informing you if your location is currently being tracked, and if not we'll tell you why
Redesigned the Emergency Traffic Only and Broadcast Tone notifications from top banners to side boxes
Realistic Fire MDT
Added new user friendly sidebar, with much larger options allowing you to quickly from from option to option
Added new "Dashboard" style
Added time to provide you with a simple way to view the current time
Added the time you have been patrolling, to give you an idea for your patrol logs
Added available units widget to provide a quick glimpse into how many other members you have with you
Added larger AOP display to ensure that everyone notices it
Added latest reports widget to give you insight into how many reports have been logged
Added status widget, removing the call related statuses
Added quick tools widget for most button options
Added Unit Chat with indication of unread messages
Added ability to generate your own call, not just traffic stops
Added ability to generate your own BOLO
Added ability to quickly search Names and Plates
Added open assignments widget
Added Dispatched time allowing you to understand how active the call has been active
Added ability to expand call details without needing to be assigned
When viewing call this way, if there is no dispatcher you will be prompted to attach yourself if you wish
Added Secondary Units widget, telling you which other agencies are currently on-duty
Added current bolos widget
Added dispathed time, giving you an idea of how long the BOLO has been active
Added ability to expand BOLO details even further
Added support for numbers and numpad switching of menu options
Redesigned the current assignment window, giving you more information on your current call with more options
Added call status buttons to the assignment window, displaying when you're attached to a call
Added unit assigned area with color coded unit identifiers based on department
Added dispatcher and call-taker indication
Merged postal and location into one line of just "location"
Added reporting party information
Added call chat, allowing all attached units to chat with one another
Added "Associated Info" tab
Displaying associated persons and vehicles
Added address information, including previous calls and previous incident reports from that address (automatically)
Added call notes, that can be added exclusively by dispatchers
Separated call log from the rest of the dialog
Redesigned the database search area to much more easily display results
Redesigned the patient database search
Separated information into two easy categories, "Personal Information" and "Medical Profile"
Removed the identification card, and moved photo and signature to the right side
Redesigned the paperwork records area
Divided each function into it's own categories by report type
Added ability to search each type of report
Added new area to view reports, replicating a PDF style viewer, with the option to download your reports as PDF files
Redesigned units tab to provide better insight into each unit's status
Added the ability to DM users directly from the users tab
Added location indication to display each players location (new with game integration)
Added tracking location indication, informing you if your location is currently being tracked, and if not we'll tell you why
Redesigned the Emergency Traffic Only and Broadcast Tone notifications from top banners to side boxes
Changes coming soon!
Fixes coming soon!
Last updated
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