Troubleshooting Integration Issues

Our pre-made integration files require quite a few areas to be configured properly for each function to work as intended. Please follow all of these steps to make sure the integration works as intended.

Configuring Servers

  1. Select Your Community

  2. Select "Launch Community Manager"

  3. Once in the Owner Panel, click "CAD Settings & Data"

  4. Make sure that each of the servers you have entered have their IP:PORT inserted properly

    1. It should look something like: "123.456.7.8:30120"

      1. Please make sure to enter in the actual IP and PORT of your server, this should be unique for each server in your RocketCAD

Entering Steam Hex(es)

  1. It's important that each of your members have their Steam Hexes entered into the CAD

  2. Send each of your members this guide; How to Enter Steam Hex

  3. Make sure they have "steam:" in front of the hex, this is very important!

Configuring the Resource

  1. Assuming you have already downloaded and installed the resource using the Integration Resources tab or the Readme file, open up your "config.lua" file

  2. Make sure your Community ID is set

    1. Select Your Community

    2. Your Community ID will appear towards the bottom of the window for you to access

  3. Make sure your Server ID is set

    1. Select Your Community

    2. Select "Launch Community Manager"

    3. Head to the "API Access" tab

    4. Copy the Server ID for the server you are currently configuring

      1. Make sure that each of your servers has a DIFFERENT Server ID!

Verify Config Options

  1. Be default, each of these options are enabled, to be safe let's make sure they are still enabled

  2. Select Your Community

  3. Select "Launch Community Manager"

  4. Head to the "NEW CAD + MDT" tab

  5. Make sure that "Track Player Locations" is enabled

General Troubleshooting

-Make sure that the resource is not renamed, it must be named either "rc-integration" or "rc-whitelist" for them to work properly.

-Make sure your Steam Hex on CAD does not contain any Capital Letters.

-Make sure you have the latest version, to see if you have the latest version, type "restart rc-integration" into your console. The script will then print if you have the latest version or not.

-Make sure you restart your server, if you install the resource while your server is running this may lead to issues, we recommend restarting the entire server to be safe.

-Do not modify the "sv_integration.lua" or "cl_integration" files, only the "config.lua"

Last updated

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